Sustainability - Budj Bim Cultural Landscape
Our Commitment to Sustainability
Gunditjmara Country
Ecotourism & Our Environment
Find out more on the Ecotourism Australia website.
We are a Sustainable Tourism Accredited business.
Climate Change & the Budj Bim Cultural Landscape
The landscape is a living landscape with natural systems that may be impacted by climate change or growth in visitation. The Gunditjmara have adapted to changing environments for millennia, and understand that the use and development of the landscape must continue to integrate with and complement these natural systems and be adaptive to potential impacts of climate change.
The Budj Bim Cultural Landscape is highly changeable and seasonal. There are six seasons of Gunditjmara Country, characterised by climate and the lifecycles of eels, birds, bees, and reptiles. Climate change is expected to deliver longer period of dry seasons. Gunditjmara have adapted to this seasonal landscape for millennia. Wet seasons see many areas flooded which may limit site accessibility. Seasonality offers a unique opportunity for visitors to see different aspects of the Landscape.
Find out more in the Budj Bim Cultural Landscape Master Plan 2022~2030
Minimal Impact Visitation
The Budj Bim Cultural Landscape is rich in Aboriginal cultural heritage, holding social, spiritual, and ceremonial significance. All visitors should be mindful of our historical and cultural landscape and should take steps to minimise their impact while visiting. We've taken steps to assist by installing raised boardwalks, allowing us to conduct guided tours of significant sites, with the least possible impact to the natural environment.
Minimal Impact Guidelines provide visitors with a code for practice which is designed to protect the environment by encouraging you to implement actions to ensure that your impacts are minimised and that your visit is in harmony with the natural values present.
We ask that you consider in advance, avoiding the use of any substances that may be harmful to the local environment, such as sunscreens or insect repellents which may be harmful to our waterways, and subsequently our Kooyang (eels) and other wildlife.
Download Parks Victoria's Minimal Impact Guidelines
Lowimpact also has detailed information about low impact travel on their website.

Services and Sustainability
- The facilities at Tae Rak are completely off-grid, as are the Tyrendarra IPA and Kurtonitj IPA.
- At the Tae Rak Aquaculture Centre, the primary source of power is solar electricity. An array of 306 panels can generate up to 160kW of power, with 123kWh of battery storage.
- All storm water is collected and stored on site.
- All waste is contained on site before it is collected and taken away for treatment. It's not possible to dispose of waste on site (even grey water) because the building is on a flood plain.
- The whole building is designed to be very energy efficient. There are high levels of insulation, double glazing, it is well-sealed and the lighting and appliances have been selected to minimize energy use.
- Many of the materials used have a low embodied energy and a low carbon footprint, with large amounts of plantation timber used.

Our Tourism Carbon Footprint
Tourism is responsible for roughly 8% of the world’s carbon emissions. From plane flights and boat rides to souvenirs and lodging, various activities contribute to tourism’s carbon footprint. The majority of this footprint is emitted by visitors from high-income countries. As the number of people who can afford to travel grows, so will tourism’s environmental footprint.
We are conscious of the impact that visitation can have on our environment and have take the following steps to mitigate this impact:
- Raised boardwalks at culturally sensitive sites
- Designated pedestrian paths with interpretive signage
- One vehicle per day limit accessing culturally sensitive sites
- Solar energy for the Tae Rak Aquaculture Centre
- Off-grid water and waste systems
For more information on the carbon footprint of tourism.
More information on how to reduce the carbon footprint of your next trip.
More information on how to offset your travel.
Caring for Our Environment | Our Country
The Budj Bim Cultural Landscape is at the heart of Gunditjmara country. With a long and immense history and heritage of sustainable development through cultural tradition, beliefs and practices, the Gunditjmara and the Winda-Mara Aboriginal Corporation partnered together to establish the Lake Condah Sustainable Development Project (LCSDP).
The project commenced in 2002, and over the past 20 years, the Project achieved many of its objectives including the return and restoration of Lake Condah in 2010, and sucessfully getting the Budj Bim Cultural Landscape added to the UNESCO World Heritage list in 2019.
Along with the LCSDP, work undertaken by the Budj Bim Rangers, the Caring for Our Country Partnership Project promotes traditional and contemporary Gunditjmara land management practices throughout the far southwest of Victoria.
Find out more on the Gunditj Mara Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation website.
We do not sell merchandise derived from rare and threatened species and advise visitors to not purchase such these items from other sources. Our retail items (merchandise) are sourced from Aboriginal, local, and regional suppliers, and those who maintain sustainable practices as a priority.
Indigenous Ranger Programs
Indigenous ranger projects support Indigenous people to combine traditional knowledge with conservation training to protect and manage their land, sea and culture. This includes activities such as bushfire mitigation, protection of threatened species, and biosecurity compliance. Indigenous ranger groups also develop partnerships with research, education, philanthropic and commercial organisations to share skills and knowledge, engage with schools, and generate additional income and jobs in the environmental, biosecurity, heritage and other sectors. More information
The Budj Bim Cultural Landscape benefits from the Indigenous Rangers Program, by works undertaken by the Budj Bim Rangers.
Budj Bim Rangers Program
The Budj Bim Rangers Program was established in 2016. In 2018, Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation (GMTOAC) combined its properties under the Budj Bim Indigenous Protected Area Plan of Management. The Peters, Kurtonitj, Lake Condah Mission, Lake Condah, Allambie and Lake Gorrie properties cover 2,700 hectares of cultural significant land along the Budj Bim Cultural Landscape.
The Budj Bim Rangers work across the properties to protect the natural and cultural values and to provide a range of environmental services. Land management activities include revegetation, weed and pest mapping, and protecting cultural heritage sites.